
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

I tried Haggis!!

Hey cool people,  

So here is a little bit more about what has been going on! I have been very brief in telling you what I have been up to, so I thought I would share a little more!


We have been mostely staying in hostels, which hasn't been that horrible, but here is how it has been so far. When we first arrived in Europe we stayed at the Wombat Hostel in Munich. This was by far the best place we have stayed at; it was clean, it was quiet, it was comfortable, it was fun. The Wombat had a bar in the hostel and on our first night we stopped at the bar during happy hour to have a couple pints and ended up playing jenga with a few people we had just met. It was pretty fun. 

After Munich we stayed in a hotel in Stuttgart and then in a hostel when we got to London. The hostel in London was by far the worst up to this point; it was over crowded, load, dirty, smelly, they were children and creepy old people every where.... it just wasn't comfortable. However, having this bad experience early on in our trip has allowed me to appreciate every place we had stayed at since because even if it was not the best, it was better than where we stayed in London.  

Right now I am in Glasgow, Scotland, where I have been enjoying the privacy of a hotel room. It has been nice to just relax in a private space and not have to worry about where my stuff is our if I am in anybodys way.  

So yah. For the most part I am enjoying the places we are staying. I have met some interesting and fun people, but it is nice to have a private room from time to time. 



Ok so I have been trying to save money on food where and when I can. Me and Lydia have been going to the market most nights and grabbing dinner from there to save some money. My meal tonight, which was a Egg Salad Sandwich, a Chicken Bake Pie, a Sausage Roll, and a bottle of water was only 3.15 pounds. The food from the super markets here is incredibly cheep and they have A LOT of pre-made, single serving meals. 

However, we have enjoyed the local foods when we can. Here are a couple meals we had to try....

Fish and Chips in London. 

Fish and Chips in London. 

Over the past couple weeks I have had A LOT of fish and chips. 

A waffle with Nutella and Banana in London. 

A waffle with Nutella and Banana in London. 

In London there were food carts EVERY WHERE!! All of them sold waffles, ice cream and hot dogs. 

Pie and Beer in London

Pie and Beer in London

This was a sampler of 3 pies and 3 beers severed with mashed potatoes in London

Stuffed Irish Chicken

Stuffed Irish Chicken

Our first night in Irelenad we asked our receptionist where we could get a traditional Irish meal. She pointed us to O'Neals where I had a stuffed chicken and Lyida had Shepards Pie. 

Irish Stew

Irish Stew

This was Irish stew I got from a little cafe at the Giants Causeway! 

Ice Cream in York

Ice Cream in York

I know we have this cold, white stuff back at home, but the guys shop was a boat that was docked along the river. 

Cottage pie (nearest meal) and Yorkshire pudding with sausage (far meal)

Cottage pie (nearest meal) and Yorkshire pudding with sausage (far meal)

When we were in York, we had to try Yorkshire Pudding, right? So I ordered the Cottage Pie (to be different) and Lydia go the Yorkshire Pudding and we shared!!! OMG it was soooo good. 

Scottish Haggis

Scottish Haggis

So I had to try some Haggis while I was in Scotland! When we were in Inverness, we asked our receptionist again where we could get some good Haggis and she pointed us to the Castel Tavern. I wasn't expecting to like it, knowing what it is (Google it if you don't know), but it was actually not that bad. The Haggis we got was served over mashed potatoes and served with a whiskey sauce. Now, this probably wouldn't be something I would order on the regular, but it wasn't that bad!!


So yah. That is a little bit more about my experience. I have been going through my phone and have some stories from Ireland I will be sharing, like how I thought I was going to die on a ferry in Ireland.  

Anyway be cool, be awesome, be you!


Scotland, England and Wales - Last days in the United Kingdom

Scotland, England and Wales - Last days in the United Kingdom

London, Bath and York - England

London, Bath and York - England