
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Athens, Greece

Athens, Greece

Hey Cool People! 

I made it to the motherland! Here is what we did the few days we spent in Athens:

Meeting Jessica at the airport!

Meeting Jessica at the airport!

Day 51 Wednesday, July 8th - Today Lydia and I flew into Athens. Our friend Jessica was joining us in Athens for the rest of our trip and when we landed, she was waiting for us. We took the metro from the Airport to Monastiraki Square where our hostel was. Lucky for us, the metro was free for some reason. Even bigger bonus, when we got to AthensStyle, our hostel, our room was upgraded from an 8 bed dorm to a 4 bed dorm! When we got checked-in to our room, we made our way up to the rooftop bar at our hostel to meet up with our friend Kate on last time. The view from the Rooftop Bar was amazing!!!!! It overlooked Athens, with an amazing view of the Acropolis! Anyway, we had a few drinks with Kate before saying goodbye and heading to bed.  

View from our hostel in Athens

View from our hostel in Athens

View of Athens

View of Athens

Day 52 Thursday, July 9th - Today Lydia, Jess and I did a walking tour of Athens. Our guide was a local name Pluto. He took us to some amazing places, told us some interesting stories, some hidden museums, and introduced us to Greek music. The walking tour took about 4 hours and after, a bunch of us were hungry, so he took us to a local restaurant, with authentic Greek food. There were about 7 of us that went out to lunch and we all decided to get different plates and share. I was in heaven, everything was sooooo good. I was a pig and ate the most. Lydia has a picture of me just eating away. Even though the food was AMAZING, my mom's Greek potatoes are still the best!

After lunch, we walked around the flea market a bit and hung out in Monastiraki Square, before heading back to the hostel and having a few drink at the rooftop bar.

Temple of the Olympain Zeus with the Acropolis in the background

Temple of the Olympain Zeus with the Acropolis in the background

Day 53 Friday, July 10th - This morning, Lydia, Jess and I went to see the Ruins! We started off the day pretty early to see the Acropolis, then to the Ancient Agora of Athens, Hadrian's Library, Kermeikos, Museum of the Ancient Agora, North Slope of Acropolis, the temple of the Olympian Zeus, the Roman Agora of Athens, and the South Slope of Acropolis. It was pretty hot and I think the heat was getting to Lydia and Jess, but I was in wonderland, enjoying every sight! Later, we grabbed some traditional Greek Yogurt, bought a couple postcards and did a little shopping. We all got some rings from the nicest Greek guy. He was telling me that in the winter he makes all the jewelry he sells and in the summer he comes to Athens to sell it. At around 5 pm, we made our way up to the rooftop bar to meet our Busabout tour guide, Poppy, and a couple of our fellow travelers. It was happy hour, so I had a couple of beers, while I mingled.


That night, we made our way to Mount Lycabettus to watch the sunset. It had the most amazing view of Athens!!! The sunset was alright, there were a couple clouds in the way, but I was still in complete awe.

The Greek Islands

The Greek Islands

Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy