
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Off I Go

Off I Go

So here I go! After days, weeks, months and what feels like years of planning, I am finally setting off on my summer of travel. This has been a trip that I have been planning with my best friend, Lydia, and I am so excited it is actually happening.

This trip has evolved and lengthened over time. Originally, this trip was suppose to be me visiting Lydia across the pond for a few weeks as she finished up a study abroad program, but life happens and that study abroad program never happened for. However, both of us still wanted to still travel. As we talked and planned our ideal trip, what started as a few weeks, turned into a month, turned into two, three and than four months of travel. Our logic was, we have the time now and, while we are in Europe, why not make the short journey to see Turkey or experience Oktoberfest? This is a trip of a lifetime and I am so excited to have taken the jump, quit my job and experience the beauty of Europe.

I want to say thank you to everyone who has helped make this possible and who has supported me along the way! I cannot wait to share my stories over the next few months with all of you as I make my way across Europe.


My Flight Over

My Flight Over