
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

My Flight Over

My Flight Over

Right now, I am sitting at the Berlin airport waiting for my connecting flight to Munich. So, this is my first stab at letting you all know what’s going on.

The flight over here was long, but surprisingly comfortable. Lydia and I started off our almost 9 hour flight with a nice glass of champagne to celebrate this trip finally happening, and the nice thing about long, international flights, alcohol is FREE!!!! Lydia and I have been planning this trip for what seems like ages and it feels almost surreal that it is actually happening.

I had originally booked my flight so that I would leave Chicago around 4:30 pm and arrive in Munich around 10:30 am the following day. My hope was to sleep on the plane over to avoid jet lag setting in. Well, I was overcome with excitement about the idea that I would be spending my summer exploring Europe that I didn't get much sleep, if any, on the flight over. As such, I am a little tired as I write this, but that is nothing a little coffee cannot fix as I attempt to make it through the rest of today.

Here are a few pictures from our flight over. There will be more to come later.

I am trying to get used to this blogging thing, so bear with me as I work through this to share my stories with you.

Have an awesome day cool people :)

Flight from Chicago to Germany 

Flight from Chicago to Germany 

Munich, Germany

Munich, Germany

Off I Go

Off I Go