
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Munich, Germany

Munich, Germany

I spent my first day of my four-and-a-half month holiday in Munich!

Day 1 Tuesday, May 19th - Lydia and I landed in Munich around 10:30 am. From the Airport, we had to talk a short, forty-five minute, train ride to the city center where our hostel was located. The train ride was our first attempt at using public transport overseas and it was an experience in-itself. We were a little overwhelmed with the "struggle" to purchase tickets, navigating our route, handling the train breaking down for 15 minutes and an old german woman attempting to make conversation in German with us. Nevertheless, we eventually made it the the central train station in Munich, where, from there, we had to navigate to our hostel.

The central train station was fairly large and, again, overwhelming. We had to orient ourselves, as to where we were, in order find our hostel. We were able to ask for directions from a bike-tour guide, who luckily spoke english. Our hostel, Wombat's CITY HOSTEL MUNICH, was practically across the street from the train station; less than a 5 min walk down the road. The hostel was very nice, nothing like what most Americans might picture. The hostel had a lounge area, a bar, it was clean, spacious, and friendly. In fact, it was a lot nicer than most motels, or even hotels, back in the States. Lydia and I were not able to check-in to our room yet, so we relaxed in the lounge area for a little bit, since it was raining.

Lakefront Brewery representing in Munich. Found this on a random light pole while walking around. 

Lakefront Brewery representing in Munich. Found this on a random light pole while walking around. 

The rain let up a little bit and we decided to go explore, since we would be leaving in the morning to head to Stuttgart, Germany. We decided to only spend a night here, so we would be able to go visit other European treasures, knowing we would have a week here at the end of our trip. We headed over to Marienplatz, the main shopping and cultural center of Munich. On our walk over, Lydia and I found a Lakefront Brewery sticker on a lamp pole. Even though we are thousands of miles away, we are still able to find a little piece of Milwaukee here. One thing I did notice, the Germans love their H&M. I think I saw at least five H&M shops walking down Marienplatz. We walked around a bit more and stopped for lunch, before heading back to the hostel to check-in to our room.

We spent the night at the hostel bar, where we made friends with a couple of girls from New York who had just finished school and were taking some time to travel before working as well. We also made friends with a couple of guys who worked there, Alex and Aaron. We ended up playing a few games of Jenga before eventually calling it a night and heading to bed.

Munich  and our first day abroad were absolutely incredible. I am so excited to return to Munich later and even more excited for the the next four months of this crazy adventure.

Have an awesome day cool people :)

Selfie in the City Center

Selfie in the City Center

Random street view of the city

Random street view of the city

Stuttgart, Germany

Stuttgart, Germany

My Flight Over

My Flight Over