
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!


Hey Cool People, 

Day 96 Saturday, August 22nd - We arrived in Ibiza (pronounced eye-be-tha) around 8:00 am. We decided to walk from the port to the hotel with the understanding that the hotel was a short distance away. Well, we were wrong! It was a long walk and not something I wanted to do in the morning when I just woke up and it is hot outside. 

When we made it to the hotel, we dropped our bags off, met someone that was joining us on our Busabout Ibiza Blast and decided to go get breakfast. Breakfast in most of Spain seems to be just pastries and coffee. After breakfast at a small cafe, we pretty much napped and relaxed in the hotel lobby until 2 pm when we could check-i to our room. 

At 2:00 pm, we met our fellow Busabout-ers and got into our room. Lydia and Jess decided to shower and relax for a little bit in the room, while I joined everyone else for a short walking tour to get orientated with Ibiza and grab some lunch to get to know everyone. We stopped at this place that had 1 euro mini sandwiches and 1.50 pints of Tinto de Verano, a drink similar to sangria, but just fanta soda and red wine.

I got back to the room around 3:30 - 4:00 pm, where I then showered and relaxed before we all made our way back to the lobby to grab tickets for the clubs and go over the itinerary for the next couple of days. Me, Lydia and Jess decided to go to Amnesia to see DJ Paris Hilton Saturday night and to Ushuaia to see Avicii Sunday night. We were going to save Monday for a more relaxed night, since tickets to the club were quite expensive and we had to be on a ferry to Valencia pretty early on Tuesday. 

At around 8:00 pm we all gathered again to go for dinner. For dinner we went to a local Tapas bar before heading up to a view point of Ibiza where we enjoyed some Sangria. After our little Sangria Party, Niamh (pronounced Eve but with an N - Neve) took us to a bar for some pre-drinks. After a couple drinks, a few of us went back to the room for some more pre-drinks. Me, Lydia and Jess had purchased a few bottles, expecting alcohol to be really expensive here. Alcohol itself it fairly cheap, the only place it was expensive was in the club. 

At around 1:00 am we all met up again to head over to Amnesia. It was pretty cool. It had two rooms: the main room with Paris Hilton and a different room with more... ummmm... erotic performers, still very cool to see and a lot of fun. I was actually really impressed by Paris Hilton and the club was amazing. At around 6 - 6:30 am we caught the bus back toward our hotel and went to bed. 

When we got back, we found out that a couple of the guys in our group somehow cut themselves: one in the eyebrow and the other on the ankle. These guys were .... lets say wild. 

Day 97 Sunday, August 23rd - Today started pretty late. None of us woke-up until after 1 pm. I woke up and got ready first. We were meeting our Busabout group in the lobby around 2 pm to go grab lunch and then drinks at the beach. Lydia and Jess decided to skip lunch and meet us straight at the beach since they needed more time to get ready. 

The rest of us hopped on a bus toward the beach and enjoyed lunch at Ibiza Rock Dinner. I had a few drinks: a beer, a bloody mary and sangria. I was excited I was finally able to satisfy my craving for a bloody mary. After lunch, we all walked over to the supermarket to grab some drinks and mixers and then made our way to the beach to relax and drink before Avicii that night. 

The beach got a little eventful when a couple of the guys in our group (same guys that cut themselves the night before) decided to take drugs from some random guy on the beach and one of them overdosed and the ambulance had to be called. Long-story short - he ended up being just fine.  

After the ambulance came, the rest of the group walked over to Ushuaia together for Avicii. The club is an open air stage that had few crazy performers and the Avicii was incredible. After we left the club, a bunch of us made our way to the bus stop to catch the bus back into Ibiza town, but the line was extremely long, and one of the girls in the group, Leah, spotted an Italian restaurant across the street, so we decided to go sit down for some late night munchies. After our late night dinner, we ended up catching a cab back to the room and going to bed shortly after.

Day 98 Monday, August 24th - Today was our last full day in Ibiza and we used it to relax by the pool and nap all day. Our only plan for the day was dinner with the group and maybe a few drinks back at the hotel.

It was a nice family dinner at a local Italian restaurant. At dinner we got convinced to go out for a couple drinks with the people who weren't going to the club tonight, since it was our last night in Ibiza together. Our first stop, a mojito bar, which was amazing. Our friend Deb met us there and told us that we were doing things all wrong and that we need to ask for the deal, so she took us to the next bar and negotiated a deal where we got 2 drinks, 2 shots and a glass of champagne for 15 euro. Needless to say, my quite night ended at 3 am!!


Tinto De Verano is my new favorite wine drink. Mix red wine with Lemon Fanta and OMG so good!!!  


La Tomatina

Barcelona, Spain