
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

La Tomatina


Hey Cool People,

So I was part of the world's largest food fight!!! It is a festival called La Tomatina is a festival that is held in the Valencian town of Buñol, a town located in the East of Spain in which participants throw tomatoes and get involved in this tomato fight purely for entertainment purposes.

Day 99 Tuesday, August 25th - Today started in Ibiza. We woke up, a little hungover, go some breakfast at the hotel and hopped on a ferry to Valencia, Spain for La Tomatina. The day was pretty uneventful. When we got to Valencia, we checked into our hotel, grabbed our welcome packet for La Tomatina, got some dinner and went to bed.  

Day 100 Wednesday, August 26th - Today was the day and it was AWESOME!!!! We were up and waiting at the bus stop at 6:00 am. When we finally got to the festival, the company that we got tickets through, was hosting a free sangria for all of us. So, at 7:30 am we were skulling glass after glass of sangria. 

On the way into the festival, the girls had to stop to pee. The line however was a giant cluster-fuck and was not moving, so after waiting a while I decided to take charge and get people in and out of those porta-potties pretty quickly (See pictures below). 

The festival itself was out of control. TOMATOES EVERYWHERE. I will let the pictures do the talking. 

After the festival, it took at least 2-3 showers before I felt clean again. The showers at the hostel were covered in red tomato gunk. 

After a nice long nap because of how knackered I was, we got some dinner and headed to the After Party. Our bus driver on the way to the after party got a little lost at first, but we eventually made it. 

The party was out of control; there was a pool, a couple balconies, a DJ. We partied for a while before making our way back on the bus to go to bed. 

6:00 am and at the bus stop! From left to right: Emma, Jeroen, Lydia, Jessica, Vicki, and Me

6:00 am and at the bus stop! From left to right: Emma, Jeroen, Lydia, Jessica, Vicki, and Me

Sangers and Sangria

Sangers and Sangria

Taking control of the bathroom line

Taking control of the bathroom line

Just look at Jessica's face!! 

Just look at Jessica's face!! 

After Party

After Party

After Party 

After Party 

Madrid, Spain
