
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

ey Cool People! 

So here is what we did in Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland:

Day 118 Sunday, September 13th - Today we woke up in Paris, France and got on the bus to Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland. This was our second time going there; we were there exactly a month ago. It was one of the more scenic places I have ever been. We didn't do much the first night in Lauterbrunnen. We made Fajitas for dinner and hung out with some people we met in the hostel. 

Day 119 Monday, September 14th - Today was an exciting day for me. I woke up pretty early and went Skydiving. It was one of the most exciting things I have ever done. It was a little crazy considering I have a fear of heights and free-falling, but Skydiving was something I have always wanted to do and a perfect way to conquer my fears. 


I got back to the hostel around noon and enjoyed some toasties with Lydia and Jess before we went on a hike to check out some of the waterfalls around Lauterbrunnen. That afternoon, when we got back from our hike, me and Lydia got a drink and some snacks at the only bar in Lauterbrunnen. The rest of the day was pretty laid back, so not much to say. 


Day 120 Tuesday, September 15th - Today we took a hike up to the mountain town Murren. It was very refreshing and scenic. The views of snow-top mountains, roaming cows, and the villages below were amazing. 


That afternoon we were pretty excited to be meeting up with a friend me and Lydia had met back in Granau, Austria, Tegan. We met at a little restaurant for a drink. Me and Lydia enjoyed our first boot. Then we made our way to a restaurant were we treated ourselves to some fondue.  

Lucerne, Switzerland

Lucerne, Switzerland

Paris, France