
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

San Sebastian, Spain

Hey Cool People!

So we flew back to Spain and spent a few days in San Sebastian! Here is what we did the last couple days in Spain:

Day 108 Thursday, September 3rd - Today was going to be another day of travel. We woke up in Lisbon, Portugal and were making our way to San Sebastian, Spain. It was going to be my last flight before coming home! It is both a sad and exciting moment. I am having so much fun and am so excited for everything in the next few weeks, but I am ready to come home and be in one place with all my comforts for awhile. 

Well, the morning started at our hostel in Lisbon. We woke up pretty early and got our stuff together and were able to grab breakfast quick before heading to the airport. When we made in to San Sebastian, we hired a taxi to take us to the pension we were staying at. Jose, who ran the pension, was the cutest old man. He was constantly cracking jokes as he showed us around. We settled in for a bit before meeting up with our friends Peter, Katie and Freya who was also in San Sebastian. One great thing about Busabout is you are constantly running into friends you had made days, weeks, and months ago. 

When we met up, we decided to grab a few drinks and go watch the sunset near the waterside. It was a great view, but there was some cloud cover so it wasn't a perfect sunset. After we finished our drinks, we headed back into old town for some tapas dinner and drinks. We went out for a few drinks with Peter, since this was going to be our last time together.

The night ended shortly after midnight when we said "see you later" to Peter and went to bed. 

Day 109 Friday, September 4th - The weather in San Sebastian was a bit cooler; more like fall weather. San Sebastian is suppose to have some of the most amazing beaches, but the weather was a bit cooler than we were expecting, so we really didn't get to enjoy that. I wasn't complaining; it was a nice change from the blazing heat we were experiencing in Italy. San Sebastian was more calm, so we used it to relax a bit more. We didn't feel same pressure to go out and see all these sites that you do in a big city like Rome, Madrid, Istanbul or Athens. 

We eventually got dressed and went out for lunch and coffee. The nice thing about the culture here is everything is relaxed. We leisurely enjoyed our meals and coffees. We napped a bit in the afternoon before going out for a pasta dinner at a local restaurant. 

We didn't do much at all this day. I am not upset about it. With the constant moving around, it was nice to just have a down day.

Day 110 Saturday, September 5th - Today we woke up, got ready and went out for breakfast. San Sebastian was hosting a Cider Festival in one of the plazas, so after breakfast we walked over to check it out. It was very crowded, so we didn't stay long, but it was really cool to check out. Throughout the day, however, there were parades down the streets. 

After we left the cider festival, we did a little shopping. There were a million things I wanted to buy, but just couldn't. When I get home I want to do a complete overhaul of my closet. That afternoon, our friend Deb was arriving in San Sebastian, so we were going to meet up with her for a Tapas Crawl.

At around 7:30 we met up with Deb and went to about 5 different Tapas bar and had some of the most amazing food. Towards the end of the Tapas crawl, we ran into our friend James, who was on our Ireland tour back in May. It was kind of a crazy reunion. At the end of the crawl, we stopped for one drink before saying goodbye to Deb and going back to pack for our 8 am bus the next day. 

I didn't take too many pictures of San Sebastian, but here is a few that I have.  

A small view of old town in San Sebastian 

A small view of old town in San Sebastian 

View of San Sebastian 

View of San Sebastian 

Night out in San Seb with Peter

Night out in San Seb with Peter

Tapas and Sangria with Deb. Btw that liter of Sangria was only 5 euro # winning

Tapas and Sangria with Deb. Btw that liter of Sangria was only 5 euro # winning

Biarttz, France

Lisbon, Portugal