
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Biarttz, France

Hey Cool People!

We are back in France. Biarttz was really nice and reminded me a lot of Door County; the small town feeling, with all the cute boutique shops and restaurants near the water. 

Day 111 Sunday, September 6th - Today we hopped on the bus at 8 am to Biarttz. The bus ride was the shortest we have had on the Busabout system; only an hour long. When we stopped in Biarttz, we dropped our stuff off at the hotel we were staying at and decided to go out to breakfast. Another girl, Hellen, who was on the bus with us joined us for breakfast. After breakfast, we walked around for a bit and did a little shopping before making our way back to the hotel to check-in. 

We were able to get into our room a little earlier than anticipated, which was nice. We were all pretty tired, so we took a nap, which has become a regular thing now. After our nap, we headed out to dinner at a pub right along the water. 

Dinner was very good and fairly affordable. Me and Lydia got a bucket full of muscles for only 10 euro, while Jess and Helen got a giant pizza. It was a lot of food for the price we paid. After dinner we stopped at a creperie, where Jessica and Helen got a crepe for dessert, while me and Lydia enjoyed a liquid dessert with a glass of wine. A little later, we took a walk along the shore and catch a little bit of the sunset. Biarttz is a very picturesque town.

That night, me, Jess and Lydia huddle around a tablet in our room watching "Orange is the New Black." We were super excited to have Netflix again, so we enjoyed it on a quite night in. 

Day 112 Monday, September 7th - Our friend James, who we ran into in San Sebastian, was in Biarttz for a couple days, so we decided to meet up. We got some crepes and coffee in the morning before walking around for a little bit. We even made a stop for gelato.

That afternoon, Jess did some actually shopping. We walked around to a bunch of different shops and Jess got some really cute stuff. 

That night, we decided to do a grocery store dinner. We got a couple baguettes, pesto, cheese, a roasted chicken that was on sale, chocolate mousse cups for dessert and a couple snacks for the next days bus ride to Tours. We watched a little more "Orange is the New Black." 


Tours, France

San Sebastian, Spain